“Paris, le monde, la mode”, at Jeu de Paume Concorde, Paris, France
“Frank Horvat, Paris”, at Centre Photographique Rouen Normandie, Rouen, France
New York by Frank Horvat at Les Douches La Galerie, Paris, France
“Frank Horvat, New York” at Fotowien 2023, Forum am Schillerplatz, Vienna, Austria
“Please don’t smile”, at Leica Gallery Wetzlar, Germany
"Frank Horvat”, at Photo London, Somerset House, London, England
“From Paris to London”, Benjamin Spademan Rare Books, London, England
“Frank Horvat 50-65”, at Jeu de Paume, Château de Tours, France
“Corps à corps”, at Librairie Actes Sud, Arles, France
“Frank Horvat l’imprévisible”, at Les Douches La Galerie, Paris, France
"Sans jamais perdre de vue l’ensemble", Frank Horvat & Anne-Lise Broyer, Frank Horvat Studio, Boulogne Billancourt, France
"Frank Horvat", at Festival VIF (Vincennes Image Festival), Vincennes, France
“Frank Horvat Bestiary”, at MAMM, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, Russia
“Pakistan and India” at KLV Art Projects, Vienna, Austria
“Please don’t Smile” at Factoria Cultural de Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
“J’aime le strip-tease”, Photo Days invite Valérie Belin, Frank Horvat Studio, France
“New York Up & Down”, personal exhibition at In Camera Gallery, Paris
“Vraies Semblances", personal exhibition at Lelong & Co Gallery, Paris
“Paris, années 50”, personal exhibition at Maison de la photographie Robert Doisneau, France
“Dyptics”, group exhibition. La Mostra Fotografica, Carona Immagina 19 at Carona, Swiss.
“House With Fifteen Keys”, personal exhibition at Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow (MAMM).
“Frank Horvat’s Fashion”, personal exhibition at Leica Camera Hong-Kong.
“La traversée de Paris, 70 ans de photographie" personal exhibition at Espace Musées, Aéroport Paris-Charles de Gaulle, France.
“Maillol Horvat”, personal exhibition, Fundacio Vila Casas, Spain
“Frank Horvat et ses contemporains”, Vieille église St Vincent, Mérignac, and Musée de la Photographie, Lille.
“Please don’t smile”, personal exhibition, at Museo Palau Solterra, Spain.
“Please don’t smile”, personal exhibition, at In Camera Gallery, Paris.
“Eighties New York”, personal exhibition, at Fifty One Gallery, Antwerpen.
“FRANK HORVAT.STORIA DI UN FOTOGRAFO”, at Palazzo Chiablese, Turin.
“Un moment d'une femme”, personal exhibition, at Nexus Hall Chanel, Tokyo.
“Horvatyear – Diptyques”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Dina Vierny and Galerie Minautore, Paris. “Please don’t smile”, personal exhibition, at Izzy Gallery, Toronto.
“Frank Horvat”, personal exhibition, at Galerie GADCOLLECTION, Paris.
“Photos CON”, personal exhibition, at Dina Vierny Gallery, Paris.
“Please don’t smile”, personal exhibition, at Fahey Klein Gallery, Los Angeles.
“House with Fifteen keys”, personal exhibition, at Helmut Newton Foundation, Berlin.
“House with Fifteen keys”, personal exhibition, at Palazzo Mediceo di Seravezza, Italy.
“House with Fifteen keys”, personal exhibition, at Théâtre de La Photographie et de l'Image, Nice.
“LES MAINS D’HORVAT (LOOK MA! NO HANDS!)”, personal exhibition, at Gallery Dina Vierny, Paris.
“THE IPAD EXHIBITION”, personal exhibition, Gallery Hiltawski, Berlin.
“TRIP TO CARRARA”, personal exhibition, at Dina Vierny Gallery, Paris.
“RETROSPECTIVE”, personal exhibition, at Brucie Collections, Kiev, Ukraine.
“TRIP TO CARRARA”, personal exhibition, at Susanna Orlando Gallery, Forte dei Marmi, Italy.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Presentation House, Vancouver, Canada.
“VINTAGE PRINTS”, personal exhibition, at Birgit Filzmaier, Zurich, Switzerland.
“NO REPEAT”, retrospective, at CRAF, Spilimbergo, Italy.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Manège Gallery, Saint-Petersburg.
“BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHSAN” and “AN EYE AT THE FINGERTIPS”, personal exhibitions, at BSI Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland.
“BLACK AND WHITE”, Photographica Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland.
“BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Gallery Hiltawski, Berlin and Gallery Aplanat, Hamburg.
“VERY SIMILAR”, personal exhibition, at Gallery Hiltawski, Berlin and Gallery Aplanat, Hamburg.
“DE-BOCCHE-TETTE-CULI-CAZZI-E-MONE”, personal exhibition, at Gallery Dina Vierny, Paris.
“GLI ANNI DEL BIANCO E NERO”, personal exhibition, at Gallery Ersel, Torino, Italy.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Artparis.
“NEW YORK UP AND DOWN”, personal exhibition, at La-Maison-près-Bastille, Paris.
“WAYS OF AN EYE”, retrospective exhibition, at Villa Tamaris, La Seyne, Var, France.
“ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE”, personal exhibition, at La-Maison-près-Bastille, Paris.
“STRIP-TEASE”, personal exhibition, at Assolibri Gallery, Florence, Italy.
“BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOUR”, personal exhibition, at Tristan’s Gallery, Cornwall, GB.
“ICÔNES ET INÉDITS”, Digital black and white prints, personal exhibition, at La-Maison-près-Bastille, Paris.
“RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION”, at Espace Landowski, Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Holden Luntz Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
“PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SCULPTURES BY ROBERT COUTURIER”, personal exhibition, at Musée Maillol, Paris.
“LA VÉRONIQUE”, personal exhibition, at Assolibri Gallery, Florence, Italy.
“ARCHIVAL INKJET PRINTS”, personal exhibition, at Wouter Van Leeuwen Gallery, Amsterdam, Holland.
“BLACK AND WHITE VINTAGE PRINTS”, personal exhibition, at Janos Gat Gallery, New York, USA.
“LA VÉRONIQUE”, personal exhibition, at Nature and Landscape Festival, La Gacilly, France.
“LA VÉRONIQUE”, personal exhibition, at Dina Vierny Gallery, Paris.
“BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Fahey-Klein Gallery, Los Angeles.
“RETROSPECTIVE”, personal exhibition, at Maison de la Photographie, Toulon, France.
“BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Jan Schluetter Gallery, Köln, Germany.
“HOMAGE TO CATALONIA”, personal exhibition, at Fundation Vila Casas, Barcelona, Spain.
“1999, A DAILY REPORT”, personal exhibition, at Janos Gat Gallery, New York.
“STRIP-TEASE”, personal exhibition, at Staley Wise Gallery, New York.
“BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Haeckelbury Fine Arts, London.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris.
“BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Fifty-one Fine Art Photography, Antwerpen.
“STRIP TEASE”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris.
“MINI-RETROSPECTIVE”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Serge Aboucrat, Paris.
“VERY SIMILAR”, personal exhibition, at Jane Jackson Gallery, Atlanta, GA, USA.
“51 PHOTOGRAPHS IN BLACK AND WHITE”, personal exhibition, at Galerie In Focus,Cologne, Germany.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Sao Paolo, Brésil.
“NEW YORK UP AND DOWN”, personal exhibition, at Stadtgalerie, Kiel, Germany.
“51 PHOTOGRAPHS IN BLACK AND WHITE”, personal exhibition, at Musée Régional des Centovalli, Intragna, Switzerland.
“1999, A DAILY REPORT and PARIS VINTAGE”, personal exhibition, at Musée Régional des Centovalli, Intragna, Switzerland.
“51 PHOTOGRAPHS IN BLACK AND WHITE”, personal exhibition, at Galleria Assolibri, Firenze, Italy.
“FEMMES PLUS QUE FEMMES”, collective exhibition, at Fundation Armando Alvarez Penteado, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
“FRANK HORVAT”, 1999, Film, at ARTE.
“GOETHE IN SICILY”, personal exhibition, at Casa di Goethe, Rome.
“HORVAT’S BESTIARY”, personal exhibition, at the Zoological Museum in Kiel, Germany.
“VERY SIMILAR”, personal exhibition, at Hackelbury Fine Arts, London.
“GOETHE IN SICILY”, personal exhibition, at Goethe-Haus, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
“51 PHOTOGRAPHIES EN NOIR ET BLANC”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris.
“70 ANS-70 PHOTOS”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES, personal exhibition, Institut Français, Valence.
"51 BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, Galeria Railowski, Valencia, Spain.
“PERSONAL EXHIBITION”, at Photographie-Forum, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
“PERSONAL EXHIBITION”, at Institut Français, Prag, Czech Republic.
“PERSONAL EXHIBITION”, at Institut Français, Bratislava, Slovakia.
“VINTAGE PRINTS”, personal exhibition, at Staley-Wise Gallery, New York.
“HIGH FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS IN ROME, FOR HARPER’S BAZAAR”, personal exhibition, at Galleria Acta International, Rome, Italy.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY”, personal exhibition, at Fotofest, Houston, USA.
“PARIS-LONDON”, personal exhibition, at Musée Carnavalet, Paris.
“PLEASE DON’T SMILE, FASHION PHOTOS”, personal exhibition at:
Hamiltons, London,
Staley Wise, New York,
Carla Sozzani, Milano,
Agathe Gaillard, Paris.
“LE BESTIAIRE D'HORVAT”, personal exhibition, at Centro Krizia, Milano, Italy.
“LE BESTIAIRE D'HORVAT”, personal exhibition, at Parc Régional de la Bresse, France.
“COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION” of the Select Collection at Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland.
“LE BESTIAIRE D'HORVAT”, personal exhibition, at Centre National de la Photographie, Paris.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, as part of “VANITÉS” at Centre National de la Photographie, Paris.
“PERSONAL EXHIBITION”, at Foto-folies, Rodez, France.
“DIGITAL IMAGES”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Pictorial, Paris.
“SCULPTURES BY DEGAS”, as part of collective exhibition “PHOTOGRAPHIE ET SCULPTURE”, at Centre National de la Photographie, Paris.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Vision Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
“APPEARANCES”, collective exhibition, at Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
“RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION”, at Galerie du Chateau d'Eau, Toulouse, France.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, personal exhibition, Fotofest, Houston, USA.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, personal exhibition, at French Institute, New York.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY”, Personal exhibition, at several FNAC centers in France.
“RETROSPECTIVE”, personal exhibition, at Folio Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
“DIGITAL PRINTS”, personal exhibition, at FNAC, Paris.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY, personal exhibition, at Prinz Gallery, Kyoto, Japan. "PHOTOGRAPHIES DE MODE”, personal exhibition, at Espace Paris-Audiovisuel, Paris.
“ALBUM DE FAMILLE”, personal exhibition, at Comptoir de la Photographie, Paris. “PHOTOGRAPHIES DE MODE”, personal exhibition, at Festival de la Photographie de Mode, Trouville, France.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY”, personal exhibition, at Centre Culturel Français, Prag, Czechoslovakia.
“PHOTOGRAPHES ET CRÉATEURS DE MODE”, personal exhibition, at Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY”, personal exhibition, at Bell Commons Space, Tokyo.
“HOMMAGE À FERRARI”, personal exhibition, at Fondation Cartier, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, personal exhibition, at Galleria Novecento, Palermo, Italy.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, collective exhibition, at Photokina, Köln, Germany.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, personal exhibition, and
“SCULPTURES BY RODIN” at Centre Culturel, Verrières, France.
“PHOTOGRAPHIES DE MODE”, personal exhibition, at Centre d'Art Centemporain, Montbéliard, France.
“AKT PHOTOGRAPHIE”, collective exhibition, at Stadtmuseum, München, Germany.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY”, collective exhibition, at Victoria and Albert Museum, London. “TREES”, personal exhibition, in Berlin-Neukölln, Germany.
“ARBRES”, personal exhibition, at Centre Culturel, Toulon, France.
“FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS”, personal exhibition, at Sander Gallery, New York.
“RENAULT”, collective exhibition, Centre Kodak, Paris.
“REGARDS SUR L'ARCHITECTURE”, collective exhibition, Angers, France.
“ARBRES”, collective exhibition, at Centre Pompidou, Paris.
“ARBRES”, personal exhibition, at Maison de la Culture, Angoulème, France.
“ARBRES”, personal exhibition, at La Chambre Claire, Paris.
“VRAIES SEMBLANCES”, personal exhibition, at Espace Canon, Paris.
“TREES”, personal exhibition, at National Museum, Malta.
“PARIS-PARIS”, collective exhibition, Centre Pompidou, Paris.
“30 ANNEES DE BONHEUR”, personal exhibition, at Galerie Mamya, Paris.
“TREES”, personal exhibition, at Galleria Novecento, Palermo, Italy.
“TREES”, personal exhibition, at Zeit Gallery, Tokyo.
“ARBRES”, personal exhibition, at Artcurial Gallery, Paris.
“30 HAPPY YEARS”, personal exhibition, at Photographers Gallery, London.
“TREES”, personal exhibition, at ICP New York.
“TREES”, personal exhibition, at Photographers Gallery, London.
“ARBRES”, personal exhibition, at Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Nantes, France.