1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx (self-portrait with stripper)

1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx

1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx

1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx

1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx

1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx

1956, Paris, France, Le Sphynx

1956, Paris, France, Place Pigalle, bar scene

1956, Paris, France, Place Pigalle, bar scene

1956, Paris, France, Rue Saint Denis, prostitute

1956, Paris, France, Rue Saint Denis, prostitute

1956, Paris, France, spectator at the Lido

1958, Paris, France, "Paris by night" for tourists

1958, Paris, France, Françoise Sagan, writer, hiding in her loge

1962, Paris, France, Alain Bernardin, owner of the Crazy Horse Saloon, with stripper Dodo d'Hambourg

1962, Paris, France, stripper (Lili Niagara) at the Crazy Horse Saloon

1962, Paris, France, stripper (Myriam Michelson) at the Crazy Horse Saloon

1962, Paris, France, stripper (Myriam Michelson) at the Crazy Horse Saloon

1962, Paris, France, stripper (Rapha Temporel) at the Crazy Horse Saloon

1962, Paris, France, stripper (Rapha Temporel) at the Crazy Horse Saloon

1956, Paris, France, Folies Bergère